A simple and effective 9 page site to promote the Blue Angels Motorcycle Club. The menu is laid out horizontally with all pages accessible via this menu. There is also a bottom menu for quick navigation that also contains a few extra links for the site's cookie policy and site design.
The home page consists of an embedded YouTube video for the Blue Angels. The history page is mostly text describing the origins on the Blue Angels with a few small photos to enhance the page. The events page will detail any of the club's upcoming events.
The photos page shows the club's photos, initially in thumbnail format, once any of the thumbnails are clicked a jQuery image viewer opens up. The photos are then viewable in full screen mode with next and previous options,a slideshow option is also available. The thumbnails can be sorted by date uploaded or photo name.
The guestbook page is the site's main page. This is split into 2 parts. The 1st part is the comments, only 30 comments are shown at any one time, pagination is used to display the other comments. There is a pagination menu at both the top and bottom of this comments page to aid navigation. This menu consists of first, last, next & previous links, this also features a drop down list to easily navigate to a specific page. The comments can be sorted by date descending or date ascending. The 2nd part of the page is a simple add comment form with an anti-spam security check.
The memorial page is a tribute to all the biker's that have lost their lives over the years. This is displayed as name and photos of the bikers. Text can also be added if the site administrators wish to do so. The chapters page displays a single graphic that shows other chapters of the Blue Angels Motorcycle club.
The links page mainly provides a list of links to other Blue Angel & Tribe 21 chapters. Any number of links can be added by category if desired. The contact page has a simple form that will email the site administrators once completed, this features a anti-spam check in the form of an easy question.
The HTML5 compliant site is coded in php to pull data from the backend. There is also a custom Content Management System (CMS or admin panel) built in to allow the site administrators update the entire website. SMTP email is used to alert the site administrators of any queries via the contact form. The submitted content from the contact form is also stored in the backend for reference.
The chapter image, backgrounds and headers were all designed by Chops of the Blue Angels.
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